Year 8 Into Year 9 Pathways Process

At CBSC, we take pride in our curriculum, in the flexibility it affords and the opportunities it gives to our students. The provision of a broad and balanced curriculum is crucial to the development of well-rounded learners who have the opportunity to progress into our Sixth Form and beyond.

All year 8 pupils are given the opportunity to select the most appropriate subjects to pursue in year 9 through to year 11. This three-year approach will allow more time for your son to develop a deeper understanding of the subjects that he is interested in, as well as helping him take the next step towards his chosen career.

The process begins in the autumn and spring terms of year 8 when pupils are informed of the requirements and the benefits of selecting different subject options. This takes place through tutor time and through assemblies.

During the spring term, all parents are invited to a Pathways Evening with their child to listen to the pathways on offer to them through to year 11. This informs which GCSE or Level 2 Vocational Courses that they will study. The process can seem quite complex, and this evening provides an invaluable opportunity to discuss the permutations.

This section of the website contains essential information for you and your son. You will need time to read it carefully, and we cannot emphasise strongly enough that your son should not make hasty decisions and should seek the advice of as many adults as possible, including yourself, teachers, tutors and their learning co-ordinators. Above all, ensure that the choices made are in your child’s best interest, and not simply because it is a subject that their friends have chosen.

Please click here to view the key dates.

This is an exciting time for your child, it is the beginning of a journey towards a bright future.

I look forward to seeing you at the options evening.

Matt Robinson
Deputy Principal